Heat Mitigation: RED Heat Index Above 130 and Physical Separation: Students will remain in their air-conditioned classroom under the supervision of the classroom teacher. Admin and support staff will rotate to provide teachers with a bathroom break. Students are encouraged to drink water and bring a water bottle from home. Students may be released in pairs or small groups to walk in shaded walkways to use nearby restrooms. In the classroom, students will have opportunities to complete work, read, engage in class or small group activities i.e. board games, arts and crafts, music and movement, etc. Outdoor activity will be avoided. ORANGE Heat Index 105 - 129 and Physical Separation: Students may remain in their air-conditioned classroom under the supervision of the classroom teacher or walk to the air-conditioned Multipurpose Room where they will be supervised by Admin and staff. While indoors, students will have opportunities to complete work, read, engage in class or small group activities i.e., board games, arts and crafts, music and movement, etc. Strenuous outdoor activity will be avoided. Students are encouraged to drink water and bring a water bottle from home. Students may be released in pairs or small groups to walk in shaded walkways to use nearby restrooms.
YELLOW Heat index 90-104: Students are encouraged to drink water and bring a water bottle from home. Students are encouraged to play low impact games, i.e., connect four, marbles, yo-yo’s, etc. under shade trees. Strenuous activities played on the soccer field and basketball courts are limited or avoided altogether as the index rises. Students will have the option to stay in the shaded lunch area to read, play board games, or engage in music and movement activities. Spray bottles of cool water will be available to staff to use to cool themselves and students. Portable fans or misting system will be placed in the lunch area. Students are encouraged to drink from water fountains located in shaded areas and to use water bottle filling stations located in shaded areas to ensure students have access to cool water. Portable insulated jugs of water will be made available to students to reduce the amount of time students need to stand in line to access cool water. Students and staff are encouraged to wear a hat with a brim covering their face and light clothing. Students who notify a staff member that they are not feeling well will be sent to the office to check for heat related illness. Individual students who have an issue with the heat are allowed to stay in an air-conditioned space (e.g., office, library, classroom) during their recess.